Don't Vote

Legislated Madness!

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When people talk about legislating human rights, free trade, freedom of any kind, it is important to ask why they need legislating. The answer will undoubtedly be because of some previous hair brained legislation. Human rights, free trade and freedoms don’t need to be legislated. They were here first.

Living by a moral code is important but trying to legislate that code is madness. It’s not a law that stops people killing each other, it’s common human decency and basic logic. Laws don’t stop psychopaths anyway, they just legislate the brutal punishment of those who get caught and reinforce a psychotic attitude towards problem solving.

I knew a guy who had been a bit of a troubled youth. He was a die hard shoplifter. In spite of various state imposed punishments he was lucky enough to see the errors of his ways and changed his behaviour to become a trustworthy and dependable man. When I asked him why he changed tack, he said that even though he could conjure up justifications in a heartbeat, he knew in his soul that being dishonest wasn’t working for him. When I asked him how he turned down such a profitable habit, he said he didn’t really know …he just didn’t want to be doing that any more. It didn’t make him feel good about himself. It had nothing to do with the fear of being caught or punished and everything to do with personal redemption.

When we legislate we IMPOSE on others. Sometimes this imposition looks like it’s FOR THE GREATER GOOD but I urge you to consider the price of such actions. It is untrue that the law stops violence and theft because it uses violence and theft as weapons.

But don’t fret.

People are generally good and when they are not it is usually due to a reaction with their harsh surroundings and/or some form of alienation. Remember,  some people are more sensitive/unaware, clever/foolish, brave/insane than others and legislating things (rude forceful behaviour) will not actually keep people safe from harm. It’s mostly about revenge and doesn’t help endorse our better natures. Fear never helps endorse our better natures.

Laws are for things that haven’t happened. Arbitration is for things that have.

  • What is Equality?

Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less (OR MORE) favourably in areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. People are not all the same (and that is a fact) which is why equality is important.

  • What is diversity?

Diversity is a range of different things (lol). I suggest consideration and an honest desire to understand when different things drag us out of our comfort zone.

  • What is arbitration?

Arbitration is the hearing and determining of a dispute or the settling of differences between parties by a person or persons chosen or agreed to by them.

Auckland Mayoralty Don't Vote

Lawyer contesting Auckland mayoralty and Mt Roskill by-election

Adam John Holland is contesting the Auckland mayoralty and Mt Roskill by-election simultaneously. Photo / Supplied

A lawyer who has made a name for himself by losing elections by spectacular margins has announced he will be contesting the Auckland mayoralty and Mt Roskill by-election simultaneously.

The fact the mayoral and a possible by-election will not be held simultaneously does not bother Adam John Holland, who describes himself as “kind of an anarchist”.

He is standing as a Not A Party candidate and encouraging people not to vote.

If elected Auckland Mayor he will not do a single thing “just as I haven’t done a single thing for the past seven years of my retirement”.

“It is my belief that the role of an elected official ought not to impose one’s own views and laws on the people, but rather to stand down immediately and allow local communities to build and grow naturally,” Mr Holland said.

He has stood for office three times for a total of 57 votes.

His other two forays were in the Ikaroa Rawhiti by-election in 2013 and the Christchurch East by-election in the same year, in which he drew 15 and 31 votes respectively.

Mr Holland is the eighth candidate to come forward for the Auckland mayoralty contest. The other candidates are Labour MP Phil Goff, who will force a by-election in his Mt Roskill seat if he wins; businesswoman Vic Crone, businessman John Palino, Orakei Local Board member Mark Thomas, right-winger Stephen Berry, activist Penny Bright and former Green Party member David Hay.

Mayor Len Brown is not seeking a third term.

NZ Herald

Auckland Mayoralty Don't Vote

Auckland Mayoralty Candidacy Announcement

Thursday, 3 March 2016, 3:36 pm
Speech: Adam Holland

Today I am very proud to be selected by Not A Party to contest the Auckland Mayoralty Election and the 2016 Mount Roskill By-Election simultaneously.

As in previous elections, these will likely play a pivotal role in determining how Aucklanders don’t necessarily choose to live their lives. By electing a Not A Party candidate, Aucklanders will have a well deserved opportunity at self-governance, rather than a monolithic, imposing, oppressive local government.

Aucklanders deserve to have the best possible mayor, and if successful in my bid, I will donate every last penny of my salary to various charities as suggested to me by the people of Auckland. I won’t do a single thing as mayor just as I haven’t done a single thing for the past seven years of my retirement. Decisions shall be left up to the people, not an elected official in a farcical ”democratic” ceremony.

I will be working hard all year to show Aucklanders that I can be that mayor. A non-official mayor who is engaged to the community, approachable, stands up for local people in times of difficulty, and represents not a single view of my own when in office. It is my belief that the role of an elected official ought not to impose one’s own views and laws on the people, but rather to stand down immediately and allow local communities to build and grow naturally.

In working together within our community, we can all ensure excellent policy on the most local level possible that allows people to get on with building prosperous families, businesses, and lives.

Yours sincerely,
Adam Holland


Difak Don't Vote


Voting is not a victimless crime …
Not A Party recommend doing something more productive on voting day.

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Don't Vote

George Carlin – Why I Don’t Vote

It would seem that voting is only useful if you think the same things as everyone else, but that negates the need to vote.


Elections Are Black Magic Rituals – Are You a Victim?


The world is made of magic, and many human behaviours that are difficult to understand become more clear when presented in magical terms. If one applies this esoteric lens to the democratic electoral system, it becomes apparent that elections are really rituals of Greater Black Magic.

The purpose of black magic rituals are to increase the personal power of the practitioner, either by focusing their mind on an objective or by drawing emotional power from onlookers, such as participants or sacrificial victims. In the act of making a sacrifice, a black magician gains power by absorbing the fear of the victim and of any onlookers. The basic logic is that “power goes where attention flows” – namely, the black magic practitioner absorbs the energy of anyone paying attention to them at the time of their working.

This element of sacrifice is evident within the electoral system in that one or the other side must lose and see their enemies take power and control. Either the poor are sacrificed at the altar of greed or the productive are sacrificed at the altar of envy. Both sides naturally fear the outcome of most elections, in particular if they are especially poor or productive, because they stand to lose more than the others. This fear generates power for anyone willing to exploit it, and the political class seldom hesitates when more power is up for grabs.

The fact is that the vast majority of politicians, regardless of whether they exploit the poor or the rich, are black magicians. This is why politics has been so long associated with lying and stealing – black magic thrives on deception, as this leads to confusion which leads to fear, which in turn is the fuel of the energy of the black magician. Many politicians, aware of the reputation that they have, position themselves as rebels who are against the others. Inevitably this is a ruse, as anyone willing to run in a democratic election is fundamentally a power monger, no matter how righteous their self-delusion.

The element of fear-generating confusion can also be seen in the effects of the electoral ritual, which leads to the very strange and very widespread belief that the act of seizing power that inevitably follows an election is justified by the “consent” offered by the participants. This leads as a matter of course to people accepting all manner of abuses carried out by democratic governments, as the people have given their power away by the act of participating in the election.

Make no mistake – the act of voting in a democratic election, or watching an election on television, or considering the winner of an election as a “ruler” or a “leader”, transfers power from you to the political class, about whom you have no guarantee of the correctness of their motives. Power goes where attention flows, and the greater the emotional reaction the political class can generate within you the greater the degree of power they have over you.

This is why every general election has a underlying theme of fear – if the wrong side wins there will be hell to pay, war, societal degeneration, etc. The fear is a necessary component of the ritual, and it is why every politician will seek to create the impression that their opposition will introduce fearful policies.

Elections are black magic rituals that seize some power from anyone foolish enough to vote in one. Are you a victim of black magic?


Democracy is the worst form of government

Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

Winston Churchill, Speech in the House of Commons, 1947